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Hi! My name is Chris, and I'm writing this blog to share my passion...nature!
Click on the "about me" tab to find out more about me.
Click on the "about this blog" tab to find out what topics I cover.
As with any activity, please use your discretion and only do things that you deem are safe based on the age of your child and your location.

About this blog...

Hi! My name is Chris, and I'm writing this blog to share my passion...nature!

My goal is to offer simple ways to connect children with nature. It's so important for children to have those back-to-basic experiences in nature, yet it seems like they get less and less of that these days.

This blog will offer:

*Support for busy parents, scout leaders, homeschool parents and anyone who is a part of children's lives, by sharing simple activities that can be done in your backyard or in your own community.

*Links to the best of the best books, activities and web sites and break them down in an easy and quick to read way.

*Information on the importance of connecting children with nature.

*A summary of the latest studies that state specific benefits to enhance children's well-being.

*Most of all...inspiration for children and adults to get out and have fun with a daily dose of nature.