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Hi! My name is Chris, and I'm writing this blog to share my passion...nature!
Click on the "about me" tab to find out more about me.
Click on the "about this blog" tab to find out what topics I cover.
As with any activity, please use your discretion and only do things that you deem are safe based on the age of your child and your location.


Many thanks to my fellow bloggers for sending me these awards.

Being new, I really appreciate that those who have been in the blogging world much longer than I have seeing potential in my blog...and I'm excited and honored that others are reading and enjoying it.
Thank you so very much!

Thank you to Time 2 Eat Yall for this Honest Scrap Award.

Thank you to Turning the Clock Back  for this Beautiful Blogger Award.

And thank you to Feet Off the Table for this Sunshine Award.

Being a new blogger I really appreciate that those who have been in the blogging world much longer than I have, see potential in my blog...and I'm excited and honored that others are reading and enjoying my blog.
Thank you so very much!

Now it's my turn to pass this award on to other bloggers that I consider beautiful. But there's rules to follow!

1. Thank & link the person that gave you the award.
2. Pass this award onto 10 bloggers you’ve recently discovered and think are fantastic.
3. Contact the winners and let them know they’ve won.
4. State 7 things about yourself

So, here are 10 of my favorite blogs!

1. Feet off the Table
2. Eyes on Nature
3. My Mindless Conversations to Myself
4. Outside Your Window
5. Random Recycling
6. The Magic Onions
7. The Husailey Bunch and now also IKR Design
8. Go Explore Nature
9. Housewife Bliss
10. Surviving Little People fulfill my obligations of telling 7 things about myself:

1. I am a Wisconsin native.

2. I love to play volleyball.

3. I have a bachelors degree in Conservation and Environmental Science.

4. My husband, son and I were all born on the 28th day in three different months.

5. My favorite foods are Italian and Mexican, and I'd eat them every day if i could.

6. I love taking pictures and usually end up coming home with hundreds on any given trip...the majority of which are of nature.

7. My husband and I went to Scandinavia 8 years ago and I fell in love with their ice cream.  It's the most creamiest yummiest thing I've ever tasted.  I got vanilla with this chocolate powdery stuff on it every time (similar to chocolate milk powder) and I'll probably never get to taste it again.  Can you get mail order ice cream anywhere??